Recommended Basic Livestock Handling

Safety Tips for Workers

Permission is granted by Temple Grandin to reproduce information on for educational purposes.

  1. A single, lone, agitated steer is very dangerous. Many serious cattle handling injuries are caused by a single agitated steer or cow. One man received twenty-seven stitches after he got in the crowd pen with a lone animal and teased it.
  2. Escaped cattle must never be chased. An animal which is loose on the plant grounds will return to the stockyard if it is left alone.If an animal gets loose inside the plant, employees should stay quiet while one designated person either stuns it or eases it out a door.
  3. Stay out of the blind spot behind a steer's rear end. If he cannot see you, he is likely to kick you.
  4. Install a safety fence consisting of upright posts around the cattle shackling area to prevent cattle from entering other parts of the plant.

Grazing Cattle, Sheep, and Goats Are Important Parts of a Sustainable Agricultural Future
Understanding Flight Zone and Point of Balance
Low Stress Method for Leading Cattle in Rotational Mob Grazing Systems
Using Animals Follow the Leader Instinct
Identify Common Distractions That Impede Movement
Improving Animal Movement
Using Prods and Persuaders Properly
Preventing Injuries and Bruises
Importance of Reducing Noise
Moving Cattle out of Pens and Sorting
Grazing Without Fences and Placing Cattle
Bud William's Technique For Moving Cattle On Pasture
Steve Cote - Stockmanship and Handling Cattle on the Range
Preventing Bull Accidents
Introducing Animals to New Experiences
Is Acting like a Predator Low Stress Cattle Handling?
Assessment of Temperament in Cattle
Solving Behavior Problems: Questions and Answers
Understanding Motivation of Cattle and Horses
Link to Temple Grandin's video collection on Livestock Handling

References: Entire Papers Presented

Grandin, T. 2023. A Practical Approach to Providing Environmental Enrichment to Pigs and Broiler Chickens Housed in Intensive Systems

Grandin, T. 2022. Practical Application of the Five Domains Animal Welfare Framework for Supply Food Animal Chain Managers

Grandin, T. 2021. Cattle and Pigs Are Easy to Move and Handle Will Have Less Preslaughter Stress

Willson, D., Baier, F., Grandin, T., 2021. An observational field study on the effects of changes in shadow contrasts and noise on cattle movement in a small abattoir. Meat Science Volume 179:108539

Grandin, T. 2021. The Visual, Auditory, and Physical Environment of Livestock Handling Facilities and Its Effect on Ease of Movement of Cattle, Pigs, and Sheep

Corgan, M.E., Grandin, T., and Matlock, S. 2021. Evaluating the reaction to a complex rotated object in the american quarter horse.

Willson, D.W., Baier, F.S., and Grandin, T. 2021. An observational field study on the effects of changes in shadow contrasts and noise on cattle movement in a small abattoir. Meat Science. 179:108539.

Grandin, T. (2020). Livestock Handling at the Abattoir: Effects on welfare and meat quality

Grandin. T. (2018). Welfare problems in cattle, pigs, and sheep that persist even though scientific research clearly shows how to prevent them. Animals. 8:7.

Lima, M.L.P., Negrao, J.A., Paro de Paz, C.C., and Grandin, T. (2018). Influence of corral and handling modifications on the behavior and blood parameters of Nellore beef cattle.

Grandin, T. (2017). Livestock handling assessments to improve the welfare of cattle, pigs, and sheep. Animal Production Science. 58:403-407.

Grandin, T. (2017). On farm conditions that compromise animal welfare that can be monitored at the slaughter plant. Meat Science. 132:52-58.

Woiwode, R., Grandin, T., Kirch, B., and Peterson, S. Compliance of large feedlots in northern high plains with Beef Quality Assurance Feedyard Assessment. Professional Animal Scientist. 32:750-757.

Grandin, T. (2016). Transport Fitness of Cull Sows and Boars: A comparison of different guidelines on fitness for transport. Animals. 6(12) 77.

Grandin, T. (2016). Evaluation of welfare of cattle housed in outdoor feedlot pens. Veterinary and Animal Science. 1-2:23-28.

Grandin, T. (2017). On farm conditions that compromise animal welfare that can be monitored at the slaughter plant. Meat Science. 132:52-58.

Grandin, T. (2014). Animal welfare and society concerns: Finding the missing link. Meat Science, 98:461-469.

Grandin, T. and Shivley, C. (2015). How farm animals react and perceive stressful situations such as handling, restraint, and transport. Animals, 5(4) 1233-1251.

Grandin, T. (1989) (with 2003 updates). Behavioral Principles of Livestock Handling. Professional Animal Scientist, December 1989, pages 1-11.

Grandin, T. (1998) (with 2000 updates). Review: Reduing handling stress improves both productivity and welfare . Professional Animal Scientist, March 1998, pages 1-10.

Grandin, T. (1997). Thinking The Way Animals Do. Western Horseman, November 1997, pages 140-145.

Grandin, T. (1995). Bruise Levels on Fed and Non-Fed Cattle. Livestock Conservation Institute, 79th Annual Meeting Proceedings, pages 193-197, 1910 Lyda Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42104-5809, USA.

Grandin, T. (1994). Solving Livestock Handling Problems. Veterinary Medicine October, 1994, pages 989-998.

Grandin, T. (1994). Methods to reduce PSE and bloodsplash. Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, Volume 21, pages 206-209, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota.

Grandin, T. (1993). Teaching principles of behaviour and equipment design for handling livestock. Journal of Animal Science, 71:1065-1070.

Grandin, T. (1988). Environmental Enrichment for Confinement Hogs. Livestock Conservation Institute, Annual Meeting Proceedings, pages 119-123, 1910 Lyda Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42104-5809 USA.

Grandin, T. (1997). Assessment of stress during handling and transport. Journal of Animal Science, 75:249-257.

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