Cattle Handling Principles to Reduce Stress

Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
Cattle handling specialist and Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin designs handling facitilites and works with livestock producers to use behavioral principles to reduce stress on cattle during handling.

In this one-hour video lecture, Cattle Handling Principles to Reduce Stress, Dr. Grandin shares many of her successful cattle handling techniques. You will learn: DVD and CD set: Includes Cattle Handling Principles to Reduce Stress plus a spanish livestock handling video and a CD of Dr. Grandin's best pictures from her talks on cattle handling and corral design! The DVD and CDs play on both DVD players and computers. It will play in most systems in Europe and other countries.

Grandin Livestock Handling System, Inc.

Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
2918 Silver Plume Drive, Unit C3
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 USA

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