Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach

Edited by Dr. Temple Grandin
Colorado State University, USA

ISBN: 978-1-84593-541-2
c. 336 pages
131 figures/illustrations

Subject Classifcation: KNAC, PSVP, TVH, TW
Territorial Market Rights: World
Published by CABI

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Chapter 5: How to improve livestock handling and reduce stress.

by Temple Grandin

Some of the subjects covered in this chapter are basic principles of handling extensively raised animals and tame intensively housed animals. There are many photos to help managers and veterinarians locate and remove distractions that disrupt animal movement such as shadows, dangling ropes, and changes in flooring. It covers cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, and poultry. It also contains the following diagrams and photos:

Below is an excerpt from Chapter 5...

Remove distractions from handling facilities

Extensively raised livestock and animals that are trained to lead may often stop and refuse to move past little distractions that people do not notice. Animals are very sensitive to both high contrasts of light and dark and rapid movement. They notice visual detail in their environment that people often fail to notice. A calm animal will look right at a distraction such as a shirt hung on a corral fence. A frightened animal that is being forced to move towards the shirt will often turn back and try to run back past the handler. People need to be aware of the distractions that frighten animals. Handlers should walk through their races and corrals and look for distractions that can stop cattle movement. Distractions cause the most problems with animals that are not familiar with the handling facilities. Below is a list of common distractions that can cause animals to stop and refuse to move through a race or other handling facility:

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