Grandin, T.(Editor), Livestock Handling and Transport, 6th Edition CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
Grandin, T.,2024. From the Corral: Bison Considerations. Meat and Poultry, October p94
Grandin, T., 2024 Problems with Congestive Heart Failure and Lameness That Have Increased in Grain-Fed Steers and Heifers. Sept 2024 Animals, 14, 2824
Mota-Rojas, D., Bienboire-Frosini, C., Orihuela, A., Domínguez-Oliva, A., Garcia, D.V., Mora-Medina, P., Cuibus, A., Napolitano, F., Grandin, T., 2024. Mother–Offspring Bonding after Calving in Water Buffalo and Other Ruminants: Sensory Pathways and Neuroendocrine Aspects. Sept 2024 Animals 14, 2696
Grandin, T., 2024 Growing Problems. Meat and Poultry, August p78
Grandin, T., 2024 Monitering Bruising. Meat and Poultry, July p78
Grandin, T., 2024. From the Corral: Heart Complications, Meat and Poultry, May 2024
Grandin, T., 2024. Heart Complications. Meat and Poultry, April p70
Mota, D., Whittaker, A.L., Domínguez-Oliva, A., Strappini, A.C., Álvarez-Macías, A., Mora-Medina, P., Ghezzi, M., Lendez, P., Lezama-García, K., Grandin, T., 2024. Tactile, Auditory, and Visual Stimulation as Sensory Enrichment for Dairy Cattle. Animals, 14(9):1265
King, C., Smith, T., Kabrick, K., Dzur, A., Grandin, T., 2024. Physical and behavioural health of dogs belonging to homeless people. Anim Welfare 2024 Feb 26:33:e11
Grandin, T., 2024. From the Corral: Spreading the word. Meat and Poultry, February pp 76.
Grandin, T, 2024. Preslaughter handling in design of stockyards, lairages, corrals, races, chutes, and loading ramps for cattle, pigs, and sheep. In Michael Dikeman and Carrick Devine (Editors) Encyclopedia of Meat Science (Second Edition), Academic Press, pp 90-94.
Grandin, T, Velarde, A., Strappini, A. Gerritzen, Ghezzi M., Martinez-Burner, J., Hernandez,Avalos, I., Dominguez-Olivia, Casas-Avarado, A, and Mota-Rojas, D., 2023. Slaughter of water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) with and without stunning: a focus on neurobiology of pain, hyperalgesia, and sensitization. Animals, 13 (15), 2406.
Grandin, T, 2023. The welfare of cattle at slaughter in Mark Haskel (Editor), Animal Welfare, Vol 23, Springer Publishing.
Grandin, T, 2023. A case of successful implementation of farm animal welfare audits by large meat buyers, Animal behavior and welfare cases, CABI Digital Library, CABI Publishing, UK.
Grandin, T, 2023. A practical approach to providing environmental enrichment to pigs and broiler chickens housed in intensive systems, Animals, 14:2372
Rogers, C.D., Grandin, T., and Engle, T.E., 2023. PSXIV-25 Investigating the relationship between maternal protectiveness and temperament in beef cattle, Journal of Animal Science, 101 (Supplement 3), 533-534.
Peters, B.C. and Grandin, T, 2023. Recognizing and mitigating potential welfare challenges during equine assisted services for autistic youth, Recognizing and mitigating potential welfare challenges, pp 38-41.
Grandin, T, 2023. Hacking eventualities, Meat and Poultry, June, p. 86.
Grandin, T, 2023. Beneficial bovines, Meat and Poultry, October, p. 92.
Grandin, T, 2023. Legs don't lie, Meat and Poultry, August, p. 86.
Grandin, T, 2023. Answers to patient, student, and clinician questions about how animals are slaughtered and used for food. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, April 2023.
Grandin, T, 2023. Response to "Healthy Conversation about Meat?" Letter to the Editor, American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, June 2023.
Grandin, T, 2023. From the corral thinking spectrum. Meat and Poultry, February 2023.
Grandin, T, 2023. Temple Grandin addresses the recent controversy about CAS. Meat and Poultry, February 2023.
Grandin, T, 2023. How great minds don't think alike. Harvard Business Review, May 23, 2023.
Okkema, C., Eilertson, K.E., and Grandin, T. 2023. The effects of udder edema on parlor behavior in first and second lactation Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 106(11):7924-7931
Grandin, T, 2022. Editor - Genetics and the behavior of domestic animals, 3rd edition. Academic Press, Elsevier, Revisions of four chapters.
Grandin, T, 2022. Auditing pro tips. Meat and Poultry, January, p. 80.
Grandin, T, 2022. Optimizing head restraints. Meat and Poultry, March, p. 80.
Grandin, T, 2022. Leading the way. Meat and Poultry, June, p. 78.
Grandin, T, 2022. Basics Training. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 86.
Grandin, T, 2022. Breeding solutions. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 86.
Grandin, T, 2022. Grazing cattle, sheep, and goats is an important part of a sustainable agricultural future. Animals, 12(16), 2092.
Grandin, T, 2022. Practical application of the five domains animal welfare framework for food supply chain managers. Animals, 12(20), 2831.
Grandin, T, 2022. Bad becoming normal is detrimental to beef cattle welfare. Journal of Applied Anaimal Ethics Research, 4(2): 151-157.
Grandin, T, 2022. Bernard Rollins great contribution to animal ethics. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, 1.aop:1-3.
Grandin, T, 2022. Slaughter, euthansia, and depopulation. Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, Routledge, pp. 143-158.
Goldhawk, C., Grandin, T., and Pajor, E. 2021. Effect of animal's experience and rodeo procedures on behavior of bucking horses at a large commercial rodeo in Canada. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 234:105199.
Grandin, T. 2021. How to make constructive changes in big corporations. Juriste International. 2021-1.
Grandin, T. 2021. Book review of Porkopolis American Animality Standardized Life and the Factory. Farm Journal of Anthropoligical Research. 77(3), September 2021.
Grandin, T. 2021. What sustainability is and isn't. Meat and Poultry. August 11, 2021.
Grandin, T. 2021 Adding by substracting. Meat and Poultry. Augusts 2, 2021.
Grandin, T. 2021. In the wake of high profile incidents, meat and poultry operations should consider all vulnerabilities. Meat and Poultry. June 22, 2021.
Grandin, T. 2021. Deliberate cruelty to animals is never acceptable. Meat and Poultry. March 8, 2021.
Grandin, T. 2021. Methods to Prevent Future Severe Animal Welfare Problems Caused by COVID-19 in the Pork Industry. Animals. 11(3), 830.
King, C.A., Smith, T.J., Holman, E., Serpell, J.A., and Grandin, T. 2021. Medical, behavioral, and abuse status characteristics: Prediction of perceived adoptability appeal, and resource demands of shelter dogs. Anthrozoos. 34(4).
Okkema, C. and Grandin, T. 2021. Graduate Student Literature Review: Udder edema in dairy cattle - A possible emerging animal welfare issue. Journal of Dairy Science.
Schaeperketter, M., Weller, Z. Kness, D., Okkema, C., Grandin, T., and Edwards-Calloway, L. 2021. Impact of group stunning on the behavior and physiological parameters of pigs and sheep in a small abattoir. Meat Science. 179:108538.
Willson, D.W., Baier, F.S., and Grandin, T. 2021. An observational field study on the effects of changes in shadow contrasts and noise on cattle movement in a small abattoir. Meat Science. 179:108539.
Daigle, C.L., Hubbard, A.J., and Grandin, T. 2020. The use of traditional fear tests to evaluate different emotional circuits in cattle. Journal of Visualized Experience. (158) doi:10.3791/60641.
Grandin, T. 2020. Livestock handling at the abattoir: Effects on welfare and meat quality. Meat and Muscle Biology, Vol. 4, Issue 2, ICoMST Review Paper,
Grandin, T. 2020. Supply Chain Fragility, Meat and Poultry, June, p. 88.
Grandin, T. 2020. Big Meat Supply Chains are Fragile,, May 3, 2020.
Grandin, T. 2020. Footage Focused Audits. Meat and Poultry, September, p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2020. Innovations in Animal Welfare, Meat and Poultry, January, p. 94.
Grandin, T. 2020. Signs of Trouble, Meat and Poultry, March, p. 94.
Grandin, T. 2020. Animal behavior and restraint in Halal slaughter. In Y.R. AlTelnaz, S. Spear, and I.A.E. El-Rahim (Editors), The Halal handbook., Ch.4, Wiley OnLine Library.
Grandin, T. 2020. Review of Stress and Animal Welfare by Donald Broom and Ken G. Johnson. Animals 10(2),
Grandin, T. and Cockram, M. 2020. (Editors) The slaughter of farmed animals: Practical ways of enhancing animal welfare. CABI Publishing, United Kingdom.
Kline, H.C, Weller, D., Grandin, T., Algino, R.J. and Edwards-Calloway, L. 2020. From unloading to trimming: Studying bruising in individual slaughter cattle. Translational Animal Science. 4(3)txaa165.
Grandin, T. 2019. Crossing the divide between academic research and practical application of ethology and animal behavior information on commercial livestock and poultry farms. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 2019.06.009
Grandin, T., Fine, A.H., O'Haire, M.E., Carlisle, G., and Gabriel, R. 2019. The roles of animals for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In A.H. Fine (Editor), Handbook of Animal Assisted Therapy, Academic Press Elsevier, pp. 285-298.
Martin, M.S., Grau, S.A., Rutherford, B.W., Grandin, T., and Edwards-Calloway, L.N. 2019. Survey of cow-calf producer perspectives on management strategies and industry challenges. Part 2 Marketing and Selection Decisions, Translational Animal Science. 3:225-236.
Parham, J.T., Tanner, A.E., Wahberg, M.L., Grandin, T. 2019. Subjective methods to quantify temperament in beef cattle are insensitive to the number of biases of observers. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 212:30-35.
Kline, H.C., Edwards, L.N., and Grandin, T. 2019. Short Communication: Field Observation: Pen stocking capacities for overnight lairage of finished steers and heifers at a commercial slaughter facility. Applied Animal Science. 35:130-135.
Kline, H.C., Wagner, D.R., Edwards-Callaway, L.N., Alexander, L.R., and Grandin, T. 2019. Effect of captive bolt length on brain trauma and post stunning hind limb activity in finished cattle Bos Tauras. Meat Science. 155:69-78.
Atkins, C.A., Pond, K.R., madsen, C.K., Moorman, V.J., Roman-Muniz, I.N., Archibeque, S.L., and Grandin, T. 2019. Sensor analysis and initial assessment of detectable first hoof contacts and last break overs as unique signal fluctuations for equine gait analysis. Translational Animal Science. Vol 3:txz089.
Grandin, T. 2019. Chapter 1 - Principles for commercial supply chain managers of livestock and poultry. In Galanakis, C.M. (Editor), Sustainable Meat Population and Processing. Academic Press. pp 1-15.
Grandin, T. 2018. Evaluating methods of restraint for holding animals during kosher and halal slaughter. Preparation and Processing of Religious and Cultural Foods. Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition.
Grandin, T. and Whiting, M. (Editors) 2018. Are we pushing animals to their biological limits? Welfare and Ethical Implications. CABI Publishing, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK.
Lima, M.L.P., Negrao, J.A., Paro de Paz, C.C., Trindade, P.H.E., and Grandin, T. 2018. Exit speed score and serum lactate can be used as tools to assess improved cattle handling practices. Livestock Research and Rural Development. 30(8).
Grandin, T. 2018. Optimal human interactions for improving cattle handling. In T. Engle, D.J. Klingborg, and B.E. Rollins (Editors), The Welfare of Cattle. Taylor Francis, Chapter 13.
Grandin, T. 2018. Cattle welfare and principles of handling facility design. In T. Engle, D.J. Klingborg, and B.E. Rollins (Editors), The Welfare of Cattle. Taylor Francis, Chapter 14.
Grandin, T. 2018. Welfare problems in cattle, pigs, and sheep persis even when scientific research clearly shows how to prevent them. Animals. 8(7), 124.
Martin, M.S., Grau, S.A., Rutherford, B.W., Grandin, T., and Edwards-Calloway, L.M. 2018. Survey of cow-calf producer perspectives on management strategies and industry challenges. Part 1 Handling Practices and Health and Industry Challenges. Translational Animal Science.
Baszaczak, J. Pancpinto, L., Grandin, T., Bernard, F., and Smith, K. 2018. Evalution of stress and acclimation to new environments, procedures, or equipment in Gottingen Minipigs using behavioral and physiological measures of stress. Ellegaard Gottingen Minipigs. Newsletter, Spring 2018.
Grandin, T. 2018. Introduction, The Contribution of Animals to Human Welfare. Review Scientific, Off. International Epizootics, OIE Worlk Animal Health Organization, Paris, France. 37(1):15-20.
Grandin, T. 2018. Livestock handling assessments to improve the welfare of cattle, pigs, and sheep. Animal Production Science. 58:403-407.
Lima, M.L.P., Paro de Paz, C.C., Negrao, J.A., and Grandin, T. 2018. Minor corral changes and adoption of good handling practices can improve the behavior and reduce cortisol release in Nelore Cows. Tropical Animal Health and Production. pp. 1-6.
Martin, M.S., Kline, H.C., Wagner, D.R., Alexander, L.R., Edwards-Calloway, L.N., and Grandin, T. 2018. Evaluation of different captive bolt lengths and breed influences upon post hind limb and forlimb activity in fed cattle at a commercial slaughter facility. Meat Science. 143:159-164.
Grandin, T. 2018. Aggressive about improvement. Meat and Poultry. January. p. 106.
Grandin, T. 2018. Recruiting industry rock stars. Meat and Poultry. February. p. 84.
Grandin, T. 2018. Stunner status. Meat and Poultry. March. p. 90.
Grandin, T. 2018. What sustainability is and isn't. Meat and Poultry. June. p. 92.
Grandin, T. 2018. The value of global perspectives. Meat and Poultry. December. p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2018. Perusing Bruising. Meat and Poultry. April. p. 90.
Edwards-Callaway, L.N., Calvo-Lorenzo, M.S., Scanga, J.A., Grandin, T. 2017. Mobility Scoring of Finished Cattle. Veterinary Clinics of North America - Food Animal Practice, 33(2),235-250.
Grandin, T., Wagner, D.R., Martin, M.S., Vogel, K., Alexander, L. 2017. Cattle breed and head dimensions effects on the performance of a captive stunner equiped with three different bolt lengths. Journal of Animal Science. Supl. 4 ed., Vol 95, pp. 10.
Grandin, T. 2017. Systematic Approach Specifics. Meat and Poultry Magazine. August. pp. 10.
Grandin, T. 2017. All Eyes on ISO. Meat and Poultry Magazine. April (2nd Quarter/Spring). pp. 106.
Grandin, T. 2017. Keeping Audits Real. Meat and Poultry Magazine. Feburary. pp 84.
Grandin, T. 2017. Getting back to basics. Meat and Poultry Magazine. September.
Grandin, T. 2017. On-farm conditions that compromise animal welfare that can be monitored at the slaughter plant. Meat Science. 132:52-58.
Martin, M.S., Kline, H.C., Wagner, D.R., Alexander, L., Grandin, T. 2017 Evaluation of different captive bolt lengths and breed influence upon post mortem lega activity in fed cattle. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 95, Supl. 4, pp. 11.
Ritter, R.S., Johnson, A.K. Benjamin, M.E., Carr, S.N., Ellis, M., Faucitano, L., Grandin, T., Gold, C., Salak-Johnson, J.L., Thomson, D.U., Goldhawk, C., and Calvo-Lorenzo, M.S. 2017. Review: Effects of Ractopamine Hydrochloride (Paylean) on welfare indicators for market weight pigs. Translational Animal Science, Volume 1, Issue 4, 1 December 2017, Pages 533–558.
Shivley, C.B., Gary, F.B., Grandin, T. 2017. Teaching Tip: Teaching animal welfare through competitive judging contests. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44, 223-228.
Goldhawk, C., Bond, G., Grandin, T., and Pajor, E. (2016). Behavior of bucking bulls prior to rodeo performances and relation to rodeo and human activities. Applied Animal Behavioral Sciences. 181:63-69.
Grandin, T. (2016). Evaluation of the welfare of cattle housed in outdoor feedlot pens. Veterinary and Animal Science. 1-2:23-28.
Grandin, T. (2016). Transport fitness of cull sows and boars: A comparison of different guidelines on fitness for transport. Animals. 6(12),77 doi:10.3390/ani6120077.
Grandin, T. (2016). Animal handling highlights. Meat and Poultry. January, p. 110.
Grandin, T. (2016). Group housing solutions. Meat and Poultry, March, p. 110.
Grandin, T. (2016). Cage free caveats. Meat and Poultry. June, p. 102.
Grandin, T. (2016). Improving welfare scores. Meat and Poultry. August, p.18.
Grandin, T. (2016). Outback perspectives. Meat and Poultry. September, p.96.
Grandin, T. (2016). Shortage of skills. Meat and Poultry. October, p.110.
Grandin, T. (2016). Taking a robust approach. Meat and Poultry. December, p.98.
Lima, M.L.P., Negrao, J.A., Paz, C.C.P., and Grandin, T. (2016) 0068 Effect of corral modification for humane livestock handling on cattle behavior and corisol release. Journal of Animal Science. 94:31-32. (Abstract).
Shivley, C.B., Garry, F.B., Kogan, L.R., and Grandin, T. (2016). Survey of animal welfare, animal behavior, and animal ethics coursese in teh curricula of AVMA Council of Education - accredited Veterinary colleges and schools. Jouranl of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 248:1-6.
Shivley, C.B., Grandin, T., and Deesing, M.J. (2016). Behavioral laterality and facial hair whorls in horses. Journal of Equine Science. 44:62-66.
Woiwode, R., Grandin, T., Kirch, B., and Paterson, J. (2016). Effects of initial handling practices on behavior and average daily gain of fed steers. International Journal of Livestock Production. 7:12-18.
Woiwode, R., Grandin, T., Kirch, B., and Paterson, J. (2016). Compliance of large feedyards in the northern plains with Beef Quality Assurance Feedyard Assessment. The Professional Animal Scientist. 32:750-757.
Grandin, T. and Shivley, C. 2015. How farm animals react and perceive stressful situation such as handling, restraint, and transport. Animals, 5(4): 1233-1251, doi:3390 / ani5040409.
Tucker, C.B., Coetzee, J.F., Stsookey, J.M., Thomson, DoV., Grandin, T., and Schwartzkopf-Genswein, K.S. 2015. Beef cattle welfare in the USA: Identification of priorities and future research. Animal Health Research Reviews. 16:107-124.
Grandin, T. 2015. Healing footprints experts say ranching done right improves the environment and wildlife habitat. Beef, August, p. 36.
Grandin, T. 2015. Tall animals cause big problems. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 86.
Grandin, T. 2015. Handling keeps improving. Meat and Poultry, April, p. 74.
Grandin, T. 2015. Avian issues continue. Meat and Poultry, June, p. 78.
Grandin, T. 2015. Telling the stunning story. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 106.
Grandin, T. 2015. Youthful influences. Meat and Poultry, September, p. 94.
Grandin, T. 2015. Studying stunning. Meat and Poultry, November, p. 78.
Adams, A.E., Olcapopelka, F.J., Grandin, T., Woerner, D.R., and Roman-Munz, I.N. 2014. Dairy cow handling facilities and perception of Beef Quality Assurance on Colorado Dairies, Journal of Dairy Science, 97:798-804.
King. C., Buffington, L., Smith, T.J., and Grandin, T. 2014. The effect of a pressure wrap (Thunder Shirt) on heart rate and behaviour in canines diagnosed with anxiety disorder, Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 9:215-221.
Grandin, T. 2014. 8 steps to grazing without fences. Beef. April, pp. 23-27.
Grandin, T. 2014. Applying proper restraint. Meat and Poultry. January, p. 72.
Grandin, T. 2014. Systematic and sensible. Meat and Poultry. February, p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2014. Detrimental effects of beta-agonists, Meat and Poultry. April, p.82.
Grandin, T. 2014. Animal mobility mistakes. Meat and Poultry. June, p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2014. Unpacking findings. Meat and Poultry. August, p. 82.
Woiwode, R., and Grandin, T. 2014. Steady Progress. Beef. September, p. 42-44.
Grandin, at. 2014. Review: The Reason I Jump. Cerebrum. Jan, Feb, PMC 4087189.
Grandin, T. 2014. Prioritizing Animal Welfare. Meat and Poultry. October, p. 84.
Grandin, T. 2014. European Influence. Meat and Poultry. p.74.
Florcke, C. and Grandin, T. 2013. Loss of anti-predator behaviors in cattle and increased predation losses by wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Open Journal of Animal Science. 3:248-253.
Grandin, T. 2013. Humane treatment of livestock in Clark, P. and Ritson, C. (Editors). Practical Ethics for Food Animal Professionals. John Wiley, Publisher.
Fraser, D., Duncan, I.J.H., Edwards, S.A, Grandin, T., Gregory, N.G., Guyonnot, V., Herrsworth, P.H., Huertas, S.M., Huzzay, J.N., Mellor, D.J., Mench, J.A., Spinka, M. and Whay, H.R. 2013. General principles for the welfare of animals in production systems, the underlying science and it's application. The Veterinary Journal. 198:10-27.
Grandin, T. 2013. Zilpateral riddle. Beef. November, pp. 30-34.
Grandin, T. 2013. Driven to excellence. Meat and Poultry. January, p. 84.
Grandin, T. 2013. Slow and steady improvements. Meat and Poultry. March, p. 78.
Grandin, T. 2013. Stunning evidence. Meat and Poultry. June, p. 74.
Grandin, T. 2013. Global perspective. Meat and Poultry. July, p. 74.
Grandin, T. 2013. Relieving painful practices. Meat and Poultry. August, p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2013. Fix it or forget it. Industry experts weigh in on the pros and cons of beta-agonists. Meat and Poultry. September, pp. 30-31.
Grandin, T. 2013. Overcoming the disconnect. Meat and Poultry. December, p. 76.
Lindahl, C., Lundquist, P., Hagevourt, G.R., Kolstrup., C.L., Douphrate, D.I., Pinzke, S., and Grandin, T. 2013. Occupational health and safety aspects of animal handling in dairy production. Journal of Agromedicine. 18:274-283.
Florcke, C. and Grandin, T. 2013. Loss of anti-predator behavior in cattle and increased predation losses by wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Open Journal of Animal Science. 3:248-253.
Vetters, M.D., Engle, T.E., Ahola, J.K., and Grandin, T. 2012. Comparison of flight speed and exit score measurements of temperament in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. (E pub ahead of print).
Grandin, T. 2012. Auditing animal welfare and making practical improvements in beef, pork, and sheep slaughter plants. Animal Welfare. 21 (Supl 2), pp. 29-34.
Grandin, T. 2012. Developing measures to audit welfare of cattle and pigs at slaughter. Animal Welfare. 21:351-356.
Grandin, T. and Florcke, C. 2012. Protective mothers. Beef. July, pp. 32-33.
Grandin, T. 2012. Horse behavior principles for safer handling. Equine Veterinarian. Jan/Feb. pp. 20-21.
Grandin, T. 2012. Systematic approach. Meat and Poultry. Feb. p. 87.
Grandin, T. 2012. Stop surprising consumers. Meat and Poultry. Jun. p. 92.
Grandin, T. 2012. On farm handling. Meat and Poultry. Apr. p 100.
Grandin, T. 2012. Learning from mistakes. Meat and Poultry. May. p. 90.
Grandin, T. 2012. UK perspectives. Meat and Poultry. Aug. p. 86.
Grandin, T. 2012. Improving public communication. Meat and Poultry. Oct. p. 76.
Grandin, T. 2012. Avoid being abstract when making policies on the welfare of animals. In Marianne DeKoen and Michael Lundblad, editors. Species Matters. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. pp. 195-217
McGlone, J. J., and Grandin, T. 2011. Implementing effective practices and prgrams to assess animal welfare. In: Wilson Prod, Fuller W. brazer and Bernard Rollin (Editors). Animal Welfare, in Agriculture, CRS Pren, NY, pp. 135-146.
Grandin, T. 2011. Agriculture must communicate with the public. The showtimes Junior Livestock Magazine.
Grandin, T. 2011. Developing measures for auditing welfare of cattle and pigs at slaughter. 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level. WAFL, University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 8011, 2011, p. 15.
Grandin, T. 2011. Reconnecting with the Public. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 82.
Grandin, T. 2011. Prestunning Control. Meat and Poultry, April, p. l06.
Grandin, T. 2011. When animal welfare pays off. Meat and Poultry. August, p. 78.
Grandin, T. 2011. Video auditing goes mainstream. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 70.
Grandin, T. 2011. Defining "egregious" directives provides inspectors with needed guidance. Meat and Poultry, September, p. 19.
Grandin, T. 2011. Slaughter without stunning. Meat and Poultry, October, p. 86.
Morris, C.L., Grandin, T.G., and Irlbeck, N.A., 2011. Companion Animals Symposium, Environmental enrichment for companion, exotic and laboratory Animals, J. Anim. Sci., 89:4227-4238.
Vetters, M.D.D., Engle, T.E., Ahola, J.K., and Grandin, T. 2011. Repeatability of subjective and obiective measures of exit velocity as an indicator of temperament in feedlot cattle, J. Anim. Sci. (Supl. 1)(Abstract 460).
Woods, J.A., Hill, J., Sadler, L.J., Parsons, R.L., and Millman, S.T. 2011. Analysis of the cash euthanizer system in commercial production settings, 5th lnternational Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, WAFL, University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 8-11, 2011, p. 107.
Woods, J.A., Stull, C., and Grandin, T. 2011. The care and welfare of horses destined for slaughter recommended handling guidelines and welfare assessment tool for horses. 5th International conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level. EAFL, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, pp. 99.
Edwards, L.N., Grandin, T., Engle, T.E. Porter, S.P., Ritter, M.J., Sosnicki, A.A., and Anderson, D.B. 2010. Use of exsanguination blood lactate to assess the quality of pre—slaughter pig handling, Meat Sci., 86(2):384-390.
Edwards, L.M., Engle, T.E., Correa, J.A., Paradis, M.A., Grandin, T., and Anderson, D.B. 2010. The relationship between exsanguination blood lactate concentration and carcass quality in slaughter, Meat Sci. 85(3) 435-440.
Grandin, T. 2010. Slaughter plants: Behavior and welfare management, Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, pp. 197-202.
Grandin, T. 2010. Auditing animal welfare at slaughter plants, Meat Sci., 86(1)56-65.
Grandin, T. 2010. Solid vs. Open Sides, Beef Magazine, August
Grandin, T. 2010. Safe Makes Safety, Beef Magazine, January
Grandin, T. 2010. Maintaining Auditing Credibility, Meat and Poultry, December
Grandin, T. 2010. From Red Meat to Red Carpet, Meat and Poultry, October
Grandin, T. 2010. Calculated Response, Meat and Poultry, August
Grandin, T. 2010. Room for Improvement, Meat and Poultry, June
Grandin, T. 2010. Getting Religious about Slaughter, Meat and Poultry
Grandin, T. 2010. Nothing to Hide, Meat and Poultry, January
Vogel, K.D., Badham, G., Claus, J.R., Grandin, T., Turpin, S., Weyker, R.E.,Voogd, E. 2010. Head-only followed by cardiac arrest electrical stunning is an effective alternative to head-only electrical stunning in pigs. J. Animal Sci., December 23, (EPub ahead of print).
Vogel, K.D., Claus, J.R., Grandin, T., Oetzel, G.R., and Schaefer, D.M. 2010. Effect of water and feed withdrawal and health status on blood and serum components, body weight loss, and meat and carcass characteristics of Holstein slaughter cows. J. Animal Sci. October 8 (Epub ahead of print).
Grandin, T. 2009. Why so Wild? Beef, August 2009, p. 18-20.
Grandin, T. 2009. Take it Easy. Beef, January 2009, p. 52-54.
Grandin, T. 2009. Getting Comfortable with Cameras, From the Corral. Meat, and Poultry, p. 69.
Grandin, T. 2009. Coping with Wild Cattle, From the Corral. Meat and Poultry, p. 95.
Grandin, T. 2009. Fixing Fatigue, From the Corral. Meat and Poultry, p. 72.
Grandin, T. 2009. Staying in Touch with the YouTube Generation, From the Corral. Meat and Poultry, p. 116.
Grandin, T. 2009. Nothing to Hide. Meat and Poultry, December, 2009, p. 82.
Grandin, T. 2009. Handling and Transport of Agricultural Animlas Used in Research. SCAW Newsletter, Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, Greenbelt, Maryland, Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer, p. 6-12.
Dewell, G.A., Simpson,C.A., Dewell, R.D., Hyatt, D.R., Belk, K.E., Scanga, J.A., Morley, P.S., Grandin, T., Smith, G.C., Dargatz, D.A., Wagner, BA and Salmon M.D. 2008. Risk associated with transportation and lairage on hide contamination with salmonella enterica in finished beef cattle at slaughter, 2008, Journal of Food Protection, 71:2228-2232.
Grandin, T. 2009. Visual abilities and sensory differences in a person with autism, Biological Psychiatry, 65.15-16.
Grandin, T. 2008. Engineering and design of holding yards, loading ramps, and handling facilities for land and sea transport of livestock, Veterinaria Italiana, 44:235-245.
Woods, J. and Grandin, T. 2008. Fatigue - a major cause of commercial livestock truck accidents, Veterinaria Italiana, 44:259-262.
Grandin, T. 2008. Forward: Strategies to improve farm animal welfare and reduce long distance transport of livestock going to slaughter. In: M.C. Appleby (Editor), Long Distance Transport and the Welfare of Farm Animals, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire,UK, pp. IX-XV. ISBN 13-978-1-84593-403-3; ISBN 978-1-84593-403-3.
Grandin, T. 2008. Hard work and sustained effort are required to improve livestock handling and change industry practices, In: M.S. Dawkins and R. Bonney (Editors), The Future of Animal Farming, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford U.K., pp. 95-1o8. ISBN 978-1-4051-8583-7; ISBN 978-1-4051-7782-5.
Grandin, T. 2008. The Way I See It - A personal look at autism and Asperger's, Future Horizons, Arlington, TX ISBN 13-978-1-932565-72-0.
Grandin, T. 2008. Animal handling and welfare on the cattle ranch, Tecnico, de Program a Came Angus, Brazilian Angus Association.
Grandin, T. 2008, Looking closer at legs, Meat and Poultry, January 2008.
Grandin, T. 2008. Compliance is prevalent, Meat and Poultry, March 2008, p. 112.
Grandin, T. 2008. Hard to handle, Meat and Poultry, May 2008, p. 100.
Grandin, T. 2008. Advocacy transparency, Meat and Poultry, September 2008, p. 108.
Grandin, T. 2008. Spelling out egregious activity, Meat and Poultry, December 2008, p. 108.
Fulwider, W.K., Grandin, T., Garrick, D.J., Engle, T.E., Lamm, W.D., Dalsted, N.L. and Rollin, B.E. 2007. Effect of stall base type on herd health, costs and producer satisfaction. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
Rovira, P.J., Scanga, J.A, Grandin, T., Hossner, K.L., Yemm, R.S., Belk K.E., Tatum, J.D., Sofos, J.N. and Smith, G.C. 2007. Central nervous system tissue contamination of the circulatory system following humane cattle stunning procedures. Food Protection Trends, 27:524-529.
Grandin, T. 2007. How to prevent dark cutting beef and improve meat quality. National Grass Fed Beef Production and Marketing Conference, Harrisburg, Penn.
Grandin, T. 2007 (Editor) Livestock Handling and Transport, 3d Edition, CABI publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, U.K. ISBN 13-978-1-84593-2190.
Fulwidor, W.K., Grandin, T., Garrick, D.J., Engle, T.E., Lamm, W.D., Dalsted, N.L., and Rollin, B.E. 2007. Survey of calf and heifer husbandry practices on dairies in the Midwestern and eastern U.S. Journal of Dairy Science, 90 (Supl 1) 244.
Fulwider, W.K., Grandin, T., Garrick, D.J., Engle, T.E., Lamm, W.D., Dalsted, N.L. and Rollin, B.E. 2007. Correlation between tarsal lesions on dairy cows housed in free stalls and culling rate, somatic cell county, percent mature cows, and milk production by stall base. Journal of Dairy Science 90 (Supl 1) 229 (Abstract).
Grandin, T. 2007. Bedding type affects welfare. Feedstuffs, October 15, 2007, p. 9.
Grandin, T. 2007. Elbow room for pigs in transport is beneficial. Meat and Poultry, January, p. 19.
Grandin, T. 2007. Keeping it simple. Meat and Poultry, March p. 120.
Grandin, T. 2007. Where innovation is born. Meat and Poultry, May, p. 96.
Grandin, T. 2007. Audited facilities maintain high standards. Meat and Poultry, July, p. 102.
Grandin, T. 2007. Fatigue factors into livestock truck accidents. Meat and Poultry, September, p. 106.
Grandin, T. 2007. Attention to detail improves kosher slaughter. Meat and Poultry, October, p. 152.
Coppola C.L., Grandin, T., and Enns R.M. 2006. Human interaction and cortisol: Can human contact reduce stress in shelter dogs? Physiology and Behavior. 87:237-541.
Coppola C.L., Grandin, T., and Enns R.M. 2006. Noise in the animal shelter environment: Building design and the effects of daily noise exposure. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. 9:1-7.
Grandin, T. 2006. Staying in touch with designs. Meat and Poultry. January, p.24.
Grandin, T. 2006. Reducing bloodsplash in kosher slaughter. Meat and Poultry. March, p.76.
Grandin, T. 2006. Fixing the downer pig problem. Meat and Poultry. May, p.82.
Grandin, T. 2006. An open door policy is the best response to critics. Meat and Poultry. July, p.84.
Grandin, T. 2006. Driving improvements in animal welfare. Food Industry Insider, a supplement to Food 360 Degrees publications and Meat and Poultry from Vance Publications. July, p.12 of Food Industry Insider.
Grandin, T. 2006. Feedlot cattle show heat stress symptoms. Meat and Poultry. December, p.64.
Grandin, T. 2006. Recruiting Veterinarians. Meat and Poultry. September, p.96.
Baszaczak J.A., Grandin, T., Gruber S.L., Engle T.E., Platter W.J., Laudert S.B., Schroeder A.C., and Tatum J.P. 2006. Effects of vactopamine supplementation on behavior of British, Continental, and Brahman crossbred steers during routine handling. Journal of Animal Science. 84: 3410-3414.
Grandin, T. 2005. Maintenance of good animal welfare standards in beef slaughter plants by use of auditory programs, Journal American Veterinary Medical Association 226: 370-373
Evan, R.D., Grandin, T., DeJarnette J.M., Deesing M., and Garrick D.J., 2005. Phenotypic relationships between hair whorl characteristics and spermatozoa att,ributes in Holstein bulls. Animal Reproduction Science 85: 95-103
Baszczak, J., Grandin, T., Engle, T., and Tatum, J., 2005. A comparison of cattle temperament score by breed type using different types of temperament scoring. Journal of Animal Science (Supl.1) 83: 375 (Abstract)
Grandin, T. 2005. Good news, bad news. Meat and Poultry, January p.78
Grandin, T. 2005. Taking the next step. Meat and Poultry, March p.62
Grandin, T. 2005. Stunning details make a difference. Meat and Poultry, May p.74
Grandin, T. 2005. Hatching innovations in poultry stunning. Meat and Poultry, July p.84
Grandin, T. 2005. Controlling factors that result in dark cutters. Meat and Poultry, September p.68
Grandin, T. 2005. Blueprints for handling success. Meat and Poultry, October p.52
Grandin, T. 2005. Taking a stand. Meat and Poultry, December p.62
Grandin, T. 2005. Problems with single trait selection. Association of Pet Dog Trainers Annual Meeting, Sept 14-18th, p.327 of the conference workbook.
Grandin, T. 2005. Animals in Translation. Association of Pet Dog Trainers Annual Meeting, Sept 14-18th, p.101 of the conference workbook.
Grandin, T. 2004. Principles of handling grazing animals. In G.J. Benson and B.E. Rollin (Editors): The Well-Being of Farm Animals, Challenges and Solutions. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA. pp. 145-166.
Grandin, T. 2004. Principles of design of hanlding facilities and transport systems. In G.J. Benson and B.E. Rollin (Editors): The Well-Being of Farm Animals, Challenges and Solutions. Blackwell Publishing, Ames.
Grandin, T. and Duffy, K. 2004. Developing Talents, Careers for Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Autism Asperger Publishing Company, Shawnee Mission, KS.
Grandin, T. 2004. Animal Handling. Encyclopedia of Animal Science, Marcel Kekker (Taylor and Francis Books), New York, NY.
Grandin, T. 2004. Elements de manejo y transport. In Agustin Orihuelo Trujillo (Editor) Etologia Aplicada. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. pp. 311-331. (This is the first farm animal behavior book translated into spanish).
Grandin, T. 2004. The power of behavior. Beef Magazine, August, p. 27.
Grandin, T. 2004. Leading by example. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 56.
Grandin, T. 2004. Keeping Scores. Meat and Poultry, April, p. 56.
Grandin, T. 2004. Stunning Precision. Meat and Poultry, June, p. 54.
Grandin, T. 2004. Exporting experts. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 54.
Grandin, T. 2004. Playing catch up. Meat and Poultry, October, p. 50.
Grandin, T. 2004. Swine Fever: Review of the Whole Hog; Exploring the Extraordinary Potential of Pigs, by Lyall Wilson. Nature, Vol. 432:676.
Grandin, T. 2004. Letter to the Editor: Label of Autism could hold back gifted children. Nature, Vol. 430:399.
Grandin, T. 2004. Kosher Slaughter the way it should be done. Op Ed page, The Jerusalem Post, Dec. 17.
Meola, M.G., Grandin, T., Burns, P., and Deesing, M. 2004. Hairwhorl patterns on the bovine forehead may be related to breeding soundness measure. Theriogenology, Vol. 62:450-457.
Grandin, T. 2003. The welfare of pigs during transport and slaughter. Pig News and Information 24(3):83N-90N.
Grandin, T. 2003. Ten tips for easy herding. Beef, February, p. 19.
Grandin, T. 2003. Easy does it. Beef, September p. 14.
Grandin, T. 2003. Auditing basics: Consistency is the key. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 66.
Grandin, T. 2003. International excellence. Meat and Poultry, April p. 56
Grandin, T. 2003. It's in the genes. Meat and Poultry. June, p. 59.
Grandin, T. 2003. Getting religious about slaughter. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 76,
Grandin, T. 2003. Stunning options. Meat and Poultry, October, p. I
Grandin, T. 2003. Reality incentives, December, p. 66.
Grandin, T. 2002. Do animals and people with autism have true consciousness. Evolution and Cognition,8:1-8.
Grandin, T. 2002. Comfortable quarters for pigs in research institutions. In: V. Rienhardt and A. Reinhardt, Editors. Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals, Ninth Edition, Animal Welfare Institute, Washington, D.C., p. 78-82.
Rose, S., T. Grandin and W.R. Wailes. 2002. The relationship between Holstein cow head coloration and temperament. Animal Sciences Research Report, Colorado State University, p. 147-148.
Meola, M., T. Grandin, P. Bums. and Enns, M. 2002 Scrotal circumference in yearling bulls may be related to number of facial hair whorls within a breeding program. J. Anim. Sci. 80:147, Supl. 1 (Abstract).
Rose, S., T. Grandin, and W.R. Wailes. 2002. Head coloration is related to Holstein cow temperament. J. Anim. Sci. 80:369. Supl 1 (Abstract).
Lanier, J.E. and T. Grandin. 2002. The relationship between Bos taurus feedlot cattle temperament and cannon bone measurements. Proceedings Western Section Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:97-98.
Meola, M., J. Grandin, P.D. Bums and R.G. Mortimer. 2002. Quality of sperm morphology in Angus yearling bulls may be related to hair whorl shape. Proceedings, Western Section Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:124-126.
Grandin, T. 2002. Animal care increasingly under magnifying glass. Dairy Herd Management, June Dairy Link Section.
Grandin, T. 2002. A new spin on fertility. Beef, July, p. 16.
Grandin, T. 2002. Focusing on kid glove treatment. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 72.
Grandin, T. 2002. Tracking fast food audits. Meat and Poultry, April, p. 56.
Grandin, T. 2002. Getting outside the box. Meat and Poultry, June, p. 65.
Grandin, T. 2002. Pent up pathogens, Meat and Poultry, August, p. 62.
Grandin, T. 2002. Cleaning up cattle, Meat and Poultry, August, p. 80.
Grandin, T. 2002. Getting tough, Meat and Poultry, December, p. 68.
Grandin, T. 2002. Guidelines for handling and transporting equines for Slaughter. In: R.T. Cordes and B.J. Silers (Editors) Guidebook for USDA's Slaughter Horse Transport Program, Program Aid 1683 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Veterinary Service, Riverdale, Maryland.
Grandin, T. 2002. Understanding Animal Motivation. Rural Heritage, Vol. 27, Number 2, pp. 22-23.
Lanier, J., Grandin, T., Green, R., Avery, D., and McGee, K. 2001. A note on hair whorl position and cattle temperament in the auction ring. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 73:93-101.
Grandin, T. 2001. Solving return to sensibility problems after electrical stunning in commercial pork slaughter plants. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 219:608-611.
Grandin, T. 2001. Livestock handling quality assurance. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 79 (Electronic Supplement). (Peer Reviewed).
Grandin, T. 2001. Perspectives on transportation issues: The importance of having physically fit cattle and pigs. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 79 (Electronic Supplement). (Peer Reviewed).
Grandin, T. 2001. Handling Mustangs. Western Horsemen. April, pp. 180-186.
Chambers, P.G., Grandin, T., Heinz, G., and Srisuvan, T. 2001. Guidelines for humane handling, transport, and slaughter of livestock. RAP Publication 2001/4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Humane Society of the United States.
McGee, K., Lanier, J.L., and Grandin, T. 2001. Survey of auction and slaughter horses. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 79, Supl. 1 (Abstract), p. 17.
Littlefield, V., Grandin, T., and Lanier, J.L. 2001. Quiet handling of heifers reduces aversion to restraint. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 79, Supl. 1 (Abstract), p. 277.
Grandin, T. 2001. The McDonald's Effect: We can expect more environmental and welfare guidelines. Beef in the Beef Feeder Supplement. pp. 1BF-2BF.
Grandin, T. 2001. Troubleshooting electrical stunning. Meat and Poultry. January, pp. 67-68.
Grandin, T. 2001. Cutting off contamination at the front door (dirty cattle). Meat and Poultry. July, p. 71.
Grandin, T. 2001. Are hybrid genetics spawning opportunities for disease? Meat and Poultry. April, pp. 76-77.
Grandin, T. 2001. The risks of mad cow disease in the U.S. Meat and Poultry. March, pp. 66-68.
Grandin, T. 2001. Wood-Gush memorial lecture. Transferring results of behavioral research to industry to improve handling transport and housing of animals. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. pp. 70 (Abstract).
Grandin, T. 2001. Assessment of practices used by the Bureau of Land Management for handling wild horses. Proceedings of the 35th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. pp. 157.
Grandin, T. 2001. Revised Livestock Trucking Guide. National Institute of Animal Agriculture, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Published on
Grandin, T. 2001. Revised Livestock Handling Guide. National Institute of Animal Agriculture, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Published on
Grandin, T. 2000. Best practices for animal handling and stunning. Meat and Poultry. April, p. 76.
Grandin, T. 2000. The dairy industry must improve. Meat and Poultry. August, p. 88.
Grandin, T. 2000. Determining insensibility. Meat and Poultry. October, p. 74.
Grandin, T. 2000. Livestock identification on the horizon. Meat and Poultry. July, p. 86.
Grandin, T. 2000. A practical approach to animal welfare. Beltsville Symposium XXIV, Healthy Animals 2000., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA.
Grandin, T. 2000. The use of vocalization scoring to monitor cattle handling quality in slaughter plants. 46th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Buenos Aires, Brazil. Proceedings, p. 132.
Grandin, T. 2000. Animal welfare during transport and slaughter. Sustainable Animal Production, Conference 5, Health and Welfare in Farm Animals. Institute of Animal Science, Neustadt, Germany.
Grandin, T. 2000. Effect of animal welfare audits of slaughter plants by a major fast food company on cattle handling and stunning practices. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Assoc. 216:848-851.
Lanier, J.L., Grandin, T., Green, R.D., and McGee, K. 2000. The relationship between reaction to sudden intermittent movements and sounds and temperament. Journal of Animal Science. 78:1467-1474.
Grandin, T. 2000. 1999 Audits of stunning and handling in Federally inspected beef and pork plants. 2000 Conference of Animal Handling and Stunning, American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C.
Grandin, T. 2000. Caught in the middle: Chute design can make it difficult to give injections in the neck. Beef, July, pp. 22-24.
Grandin, T. 2000. Minimizing dark cutters: Tips for calming exciteable cattle. Beef, February, pp. 16-18.
Grandin, T. 2000. Individual livestock identification on the horizon. Meat and Poultry, June, pp. 86.
Grandin, T. 2000. Animal handling troubleshooting guide. Meat and Poultry, March, pp. 64-69.
Grandin, T. 2000. Proper handling can improve meat quality and worker safety. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 39.
Grandin, T. 2000. Best practices for animal handling and stunning. Meat and Poultry, April, p. 76.
Grandin, T. 2000. My mind as a web browser: How people with Autism think. Cerebrum, The Dana Foundation, New York, N.Y., Winter, pp. 13-22. (This paper provides insights into animal cognition).
Grandin, T. 1999. Easy tips for low stress cattle handling. Large Animal Practice 20(5):28-33. (Invited Papers).
Grandin, T. 1999. Safe Handling of Large Animals. In R.L. Langley (Editor) Animal Handlers, Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 14: 195-212.
Grandin, T. 1999. Acclimate Don't Agitate Beef, June 1999, pp.14-16.
Grandin, T. 1999. Reducing Fear Improves Milk Production, Hoard's Dairyman, October 10, 1999, p.684. Also published in Hoard's Japanese and Spanish Edition.
Grandin, T. 1999. Maintaining a HACCP plan for handling and stunning. Meat and Poultry, February p.55.
Grandin, T. 1999. Farm to table, AMI Sponsors stunning and handling conference. Meat and Poultry, March pp 48-52.
Grandin, T. 1999. Move animals easily by using flight zone principles. Meat and Poultry, August p.71.
Grandin, T. 1999, Increasing line speeds - breaking the quality barrier. Meat and Poultry, June, p.70.
Grandin, T. 1999. McDonalds motivates beef packers to improve handling practices. Meat and Poultry, October, p.101.
Grandin, T. 1999. Reduce squealing during handling to reduce stress, Meat and Poultry, December, p.73.
Lanier, J., T. Grandin, A. Chaffin and T. Chaffin. 1999. Training American Bison Calves. Bison World, October-November, pp.94-99.
Grandin, T. 1998. Objective scoring of animal handling and stunning practices in slaughter plants. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association. 212:36-39.
Scanga, J.A., Belk, K.E., Tatum, J.D., Grandin, T. and Smith, G.C. 1998. Factors contributing to dark cutting beef. Journal of Animal Science. 76:2040-2047.
Grandin, T. 1998. Reducing stress improves both productivity and welfare. Prof. Animal Scientist. 14(1):1-10.
Phillips, M., Grandin, T., Graffam, W., Iribeck, N.A. and Cambre, R.C. 1998. Crate conditioning of Bongo (Tragelephus euycerus) for veterinary and husbandry procedures at Denver Zoological gardens, Zoo Biology, 17:25-32.
Grandin, T. 1998. How to think like an animal. Utne Reader, April, p. 46-47.
Grandin, T. 1998. The way I see it, the dangers of trait over selection, Western Horseman, August, p.120-122.
Grandin, T. 1998. Crowd pen checkup practical tips on why some handling systems work better than others. Beef, September, pp.50-52.
Grandin, T. 1998. Calm and collected: How one person can easily and calmly collect and move cattle on pasture. Beef, March, pp.74-76.
Grandin, T. 1998. Handling methods and facilities to reduce stress on cattle. Vet. Clinics of North America, Food Animal Practice, 14:325-341.
Grandin, T. 1998. Can acting like a predator produce low stress cattle handling. Canadian Cattleman, October, p.42.
Grandin, T. 1998. Designing a rotary C02 stunning system. Meat and Poultry, October, p.58.
Grandin, T. 1998. Genetics may dictate stunning line modifications, Meat and Poultry, June, p. 72-73.
Grandin, T. 1998. Reducing noise to improve livestock handling. Meat and Poultry, April, p. 60.
Grandin, T. 1998. Managing an effective humane stunning program. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 54.
Grandin, T. 1998. Fast food chains audit animal handling practices. Meat and Poultry, December, p. 57.
Grandin, T. 1997. Good management practices for animal handling and stunning. American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C.
Voisinet, B.D., Grandin, T., O'Connor, S.F., Tatum, J.D. and Deesing, M.JK. 1997. Bos indicus cross feedlot cattle with excitable temperaments have tougher meat and a higher incidence of borderline dark cutters. Meat Science 46:367-377.
Voisinet, B.D., Grandin, T., Tatum, J.D., O'Connor, S.F. and Struthers, J.J. 1997. Feedlot cattle with calm temperaments have higher average daily gains than cattle with excitable temperaments, J. of An. Sci. 75:892-896.
Grandin, T. 1997. Thinking the Way Animals Do. Western Horseman, November, pp. 140-145.
Grandin, T. 1997. Tell-tale signs of temperament. Rural Heritage, Vol. 22, Number 6, p.17-19.
Lanier, J. and Grandin, T. 1997. Concepts of Calm Forward Bison Movement, Bison World, October-November-December issue..
Grandin, T. 1997. Where nobody wants to look. Meat and Poultry, May, p.50-52.
Grandin, T. 1997. Captive bolt stunning. Meat and Poultry, July, p.50.
Grandin, T. 1997. Before the kill floor, Results of USDA stunning and handling survey. Meat and Poultry, March, p.36-40.
Grandin, T. 1997. Vocalization scores and stress in pigs and cattle. Meat and Poultry, September, pp. 82-84.
Grandin, T. 1997. Assessment of stress during handling and transport. Journal of Animal Science, 75:249-257.
Grandin, T. 1996. Factors that impede animal movement at slaughter plants. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 209:757-759.
Grandin, T. 1996. Temperament, It's not just a matter of handling. Beef, August, p.10.
Grandin, T. 1996. Is it time to look at sow genetics. Just Pigs, December, p.5.
Grandin, T. 1996. Canada's slaughter survey results. Meat and Poultry, February, p. 41.
Grandin, T. 1996. Excitable cattle are susceptible to dark cutting. Meat and Poultry, April, p.54-55.
Grandin, T. 1996. Part II Dark cutting cattle. Meat and Poultry, June, p.62.
Grandin, T. 1996. Lost knowledge. Meat and Poultry. August, p. 69.
Grandin, T. 1997. Survey of stunning and handling in Federally inspected beef, pork and sheep slaughter plants, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Project Number 3602-32000-002-08G, pp. 1-55 plus 27 tables. This paper was my final report on visits to 24 Federally inspected slaughter plants to assess humane slaughter and animal welfare. This project was sponsored by the USDA. (Survey done in 1996).
Grandin, T. 1996. Handling and processing of feedlot cattle. In: R.C. Albin and G.B.Thompson (Editors). Cattle Feeding: A Guide to Management, 2nd Edition, Trafton Printing, Amarillo, TX, pp. 49-61. This is a revised version of a similar chapter that appeared in the first edition.
Grandin, T., M. J. Deesing, J.J. Struthers and A.M. Swinker. 1995. Cattle with hair whorl patterns above the eyes are more behaviorally agitated during restraint. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 46:117-123.
Grandin, T. 1995. The cut of ritual slaughter. Reed Elsevier Publisher. Meat International, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 36-39.
Grandin, T. 1995. Facial hair whorls provide clues to cattle temperament The Stockman Grassfarmer 52(ll):31-39, November.
Grandin, T. 1995. What in the whorl? Beef. December,p. 29 (Cow-Calf edition only), repeated in the 1996 feeder issue.
Grandin, T. 1995. Audit reveals weaknesses among U.S. exporters. Meat and Poultry. February, p.89.
Grandin, T. 1995. Downers are a problem. Meat and Poultry, April, p.10.
Grandin, T. 1995. Handling hyper hogs. Meat and Poultry, June, p. 56.
Grandin, T. 1995. Getting rid of bloodsplash. Meat and Poultry, October, p. 16.
Grandin, T. 1995. Avoid a bruised wallet. Meat and Poultry, August p.120.
Grandin, T. 1995. Hamane transport good business as welfare practice. DVM, December. pp. 2F-3F.
Grandin, T. 1995. Report on handling and stunning practices in Canadian Meat Packing Plants. (This paper was my final report on a three-week audit of 21 Canadian slaughter plants to assess humane slaughter and animal welfare. This project was sponsored by Agriculture Canada, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, the Canadian Meat Council and the Canadian Egg Processors Council.)
Grandin, T. 1995. Restraint of livestock. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, Animal Behavior and the Design of Livestock and Poultry Systems, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 208-223.
Grandin, T. 1995. Little things do matter: Debugging animal environments. Agricultural Bioengineering Service, Animal Behavior and the Design of Livestock and Poultry Systems, Indianapolis, IN. pp. 126-129.
Grandin, T. 1994. Farm animal welfare during handling, transport and slaughter. Journal of American Vetetinary Medical Association, 204:372-377.
Grandin, T. 1994. Euthanasia and slaughter of livestock. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 204:1354-1360.
Grandin, T. 1994. Solving livestock handling problems. Veterinary Medicine, October, pp.989-998.
Grandin, T. and J.M. Regenstein. 1994. Slaughter: Religious slaughter and welfare. A discussion for meat scientists. Publisher CAB International. Meat Focus, March 3(3):115-123.
Grandin, T. 1994. In need of an attitude adjustment. Beef, November. pp. 13-14.
Grandin, T. 1994. Improving kosher slaughter techniques. Meat and Poultry, June, pp. 68-69.
Grandin, T. 1994. Troubleshooting handling problems. Meat and Poultry, December, pp.72-74.
Grandin, T. 1994. Safety first. Meat and Poultry, September, pp. 72-74.
Grandin, T. 1993. Teaching principles of behavior and equipment design for handling livestock. J. Anim. Sci. 71:1065-1070.
Grandin, T. 1993. The effect of previous experiences on livestock behaviour during handling. Agri-Practice, 14(4):15-20.
Grandin, T. 1993. Management commitment to incremental improvements greatly improves livestock handling. Meat Focus Int., 2(10)450-453.
Grandin, T. 1993. Bovines with attitudes. Beef, 30(2):9-12.
Grandin, T. 1993. How stressful is slaughter. Meat and Poultry, 3(2):65.
Grandin, T. 1993. Electric stunning of cattle. Meat and Poultry, 39(6):95.
Grandin, T. 1993. Ram and jam mentality. Meat and Poultry, 39(7):64-66.
Grandin, T. 1993. The ultimate plant. Meat and Poultry, 39(9):48-61.
Grandin, T. 1993. Canadians understand animal handling. Meat and Poultry 39(9):18.
Grandin, T. 1993. Keeping cattle clean. Meat and Poultry, 39(12):73.
Grandin, T. and Bruning, J. 1992. Boar presence reduces fighting in slaughter weight pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 33:273-276.
Regenstein, J.M. and Grandin, T. 1992. Religious Slaughter and Animal Welfare: An Introduction for Animal Scientists. Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, pp. 155-159.
Grandin, T. 1992. Hydraulics and pneumatics basics. Meat and Poultry, March, p. 54.
Grandin, T. 1992. Handling crazy pigs. Meat and Poultry, May, p. 64.
Grandin, T. 1991. Recommended Animal Handling Guidelines for Meat Packers. American Meat Institute, Washington, D.C.
Grandin, T. 1991. The way it's meant to be. Meat and Poultry, Sept., p. 107.
Grandin, T. 1991. Principles of abattoiir design to improve animal welfare. In: J. Matthews (Editor). Progress in Agricultural Physic and Engineering, C.A.B. International, Oxon, England.
Grandin, T. 1991. Handling and transport of agricultural animals used in research. Proceedings, Scientists' Center for Animal Welfare, Washington, D.C.
Grandin, T. 1991. Good handling, slaughter methods can improve quality. Feedstuffs, Vol. 63, No. 12, March 25.
Grandin, T. 1991. Double rail restrainer for handling beef cattle. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Technical Paper 915004, St. Joseph, MI.
Grandin, T. 1990. Calf handling needs improvement. Meat and Poultry, July, p. 88.
Grandin, T. 1990. Design of loading facilities and holding pens. Applied Animal Behavior Science, 28:187.
Grandin, T. 1990. Humanitarian aspects of shechita in the U.S. Judiasm 39:436.
Grandin, T. 1990. Handling and processing of feedlot cattle. In: R.C. Albin and G.B.Thompson (Eds.), Cattle Feeding, Trafton Press, Amarillo, Texas.
Grandin, T. 1990. Rules of restraint. Large Animal Veterinarian, July/August, p. 24.
Grandin, T. 1990. Chuting to win. Beef, Dec., p.54.
Grandin, T. 1990. Crazy pigs require coordinated response. Swine Practitioner, July, p. 18.
Grandin, T. 1990. Calves should be old enough to walk. Hoard's Dairyman, Sept. 25, p. 776.
Grandin, T. 1990. Rules of Restraint. Large Animal Veterinarian, Watt Publishing, Mount Morris, IL., Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 24-28.
Grandin, T. 1989. Behavioral principles of livestock handling. Professional Animal Scientist, American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, 5(2), 1-11.
Grandin, T. 1989. Voluntary acceptance of restraint by sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 23, 257-261.
Grandin, T. 1989. Effect of rearing environment and environmental enrichment on behavior and neural development of young pigs. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Grandin, T., Dodman, N., Shuster, L. 1989. Effect of naltrexone on relaxation induced by flank pressure in pigs. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour, 33:839-842.
Grandin, T. 1989. Environmental causes of Abnormal Behavior. Large Animal Veterinarian, Watt Publishing, Mount Morris, IL., May/June, pp. 13-16.
Grandin, T. 1989. A "Hog Slaughter" Commentary. Meat and Poultry, August, p. 26.
Grandin, T. 1988. Possible genetic effect on pig's reaction to CO2 stunning. In: Proceedings 34th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. CSIRO Meat Research Laboratory, Cannon Hiil, Queensland, Australia.
Grandin,T. 1988. Double rail restrainer conveyor for livestock handling. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 41, 327-338.
Grandin, T., Ernst, K., Ernst, O., McGlore, J. 1988. Handling Hogs. Pork Industry Handbook, Cooperative Extension Service, p. 111-116.
Grandin, T. 1988. Behavior of slaughter plant and auction employees towards animals. Anthrozoos, 1, 205-213.
Grandin, T. 1988. Livestock handling preslaughter. Meat 88, Proceedings of the Industry Day, part of the 34th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, CSIRO Meat Research Laboratory, Brisbane, Australia.
Grandin, T. 1988. The 10 Commandments of chute design. Meat and Poultry, Jan., p. 77.
Grandin, T. 1987. Preventing squeeze chute injuries. Large Animal Veterinarian, Watt Publishing, Mount Morris, IL., Oct., pp. 14-18.
Grandin, T. 1987. Shackling and hoisting live animals is cruel. Meat and Poultry, Sept., pp. 142-143.
Grandin, T., Curtis, S.E., Widowski, T.M. and Thurman, J.C. 1986. Electro-immobilization versus mechanical restraint in an avoid choice test. Journal of Animal Science, 62, pp. 1469-1480.
Grandin, T. 1986. Improving pork quality through handling systems. Animal Health and Nutrition, Watt Publishing, Mount Morris, IL., Aug., pp. 14-26.
Grandin, T. 1986. Minimizing stress in pig handling. Lab Animal, Vol., 15, No. 3, April.
Grandin, T. 1985. Improving pork quality through handling systems. Animal Health and Nutr
ition. Watt Publishing Co., Mount Morris, IL, USA, July/August pp. 14-26. Grandin, T. 1985. Livestock handling needs improvement. Animal Nutrition and Health, Watt Publishing, Mount Morris, IL., Vol. 40, No. 7, Aug., pp. 6-9.
Grandin, T. 1984. Race system for cattle slaughter plants with a 1.5 m radius curve. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 13:295-299.
Grandin, T., Curtis, S.E., Widowski, T. 1984. Rearing environment affects pig's time to walk through test chute. J. Anim. Sci., [Suppl 1] 61:88.
Grandin, T. 1983. Handling and processing feedlot cattle. In Thompson, G.B., O'Mary, C.C. The Feedlot. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, pp. 213-235.
Grandin,T., Curtis, S.E., Greenough, W.T. 1983. Objective measurements of the effects of environmental complexity on young pigs. University of Illinois Swine Research Reports.
Grandin, T. 1983. A Survey of Handling Practices and Facilities Used in the Export of Australian livestock. Department of Primary Industry, Australian Bureau of Animal Health, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia; also reprinted as Paper No. 84-6533, American Society of Agricaltural Engineers, St Joseph, Michigan, USA.
Grandin, T. 1983. Design of ranch corrals and squeeze chutes for cattle. Great Plains Beef Cattle Handbook. Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA, pp. 5251.1-5251.6.
Grandin, T. 1982. Understanding hog psychology simplifies handling. Vet Med. Small Animal Clinic, 77:267-271.
Grandin, T. 1981. Livestock Trucking Guide. Livestock Conservation Institute (Now National Institute of Animal Agriculture).
Grandin, T. 1981. Livestock Handling Guide. Livestock Conservation Institute (Now National Institute of Animal Agriculture).
Grandin, T. 1980. Bruises and carcass damage. International Journal of the Study of Animal Problems, 1, 121-137.
Grandin, T. 1980. Designs and specifications for livestock handling equipment in slaughter plants. International Journal of the Study ofAnimal Problems, 1, 178-200.
Grandin, T. 1980. Mechanical, electrical and anaesthetic stunning methods for livestock. International Journal for the Study ofAnimal Problems, 1, 242-263 (published by the Humane Society of the United States).
Grandin, T. 1980. Problems with Kosher Slaughter. International J. of the Study of Animal Problems, 1: 375-390 (published by the Humane Society of the United States).
Grandin, T. 1980. The effect of stress on livestock and meat quality, prior to and during slaghter. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems. 1: 313-337 (published by the Humane Society of the United States).
Grandin, T. 1980. Observations of cattle behavior applied to the design of cattle handling facilities. Applied Animal Ethology, 6, 19-31.
Grandin, T. 1980. Good cattle restraining equipment is essential. Veterinary Medicine and Small Animal Clinician, 75, 1291-1296.
Grandin, T. 1980. Safe design and management of cattle dipping vats. American Society of Agricultural Engineers; paper no. 80-5518, St Joseph, MI, USA.
Grandin, T. 1980. Pen size and shape in Livestock confinement systems. Feedstuffs, Vol. 52, No. 42, Oct. 13, pp. 22-24.
Grandin, T. 1979. Understanding animal psychology facilitates handling livestock. Vet. Med. and Small Animal Clin. 74:697-706.
Grandin, T. 1979. Humane livestock handling. The Humane Society News, Humane Society of the United States, Washington, D.C., Winter, pp. 1-3.
Grandin, T. 1979. Transportation of cattle. The Cattleman, Feb., pp. 57-60.
Grandin, T. 1978. Design of lairage, yard, and race systems for handling cattle in abattoirs, auctions, ranches, restraining chutes, and dipping vats. Proceedings 1st World Congress on Ethology as applied to Zootechnics, Madrid, Spain, pp. 37-52.
Grandin, T. 1977. Practical applications of behavioral principles to the design of cattle handling facilities. Paper presented at American Society of Animal Sciences.
Grandin, T. 1977. Cattle Handling Systems in Meatworks. Meat Research Newsletter, CSRIRO, Brisbane, Australia.
Grandin, T. 1976. Practical pointers on handling cattle in squeeze chutes, alleys, and crowing pens. International Stockman's School, Agri-Services Foundation, Clovis, CA.
Grandin, T. 1976. Head'em up move'em out. Meat Industry, May, pp. 34-36.
Grandin, T. 1975. Design errors create most cattle chute problems. Beef, 11(6), pp. 73-75.
Grandin, T. 1975. Cattle handling facilities, the design challenge. Agricultural Engineering, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Oct., pp. 69-71.
Grandin, T. 1975. The Stairway to Heaven. National Humane Review, American Humane Society.
Grandin, T. 1974. Designing feedlot cattle processing systems and restraining chutes. In Paper No. 74-4522. American Society for Agricultural Engineers.
Grandin, T. 1974. Practical steps to reduce bruises during cattle handling. National Provisioner, Oct., pp. 100-103.
Grandin, T. 1974. Chute losses are not accidents. Beef, Jan., pp. 56-59.
Grandin, T. 1974. Reducing losses at the processing chute. Western Livestock Journal, Feb., pp. 84-85.
Grandin, T. 1973. Hydraulic squeeze chute survey. Calf News, Nov., pp. 44-45.
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