When slaughtering is done carefully cortisol levels in cattle can be substantially lower than farm handling conditions. Tume and Shaw (1992) reported that steers and heifers slaughtered in a small research abattoir had and average cortisol levels of only 15 (ng ml)-1, and cattle slaughtered in a commercial slaughter plant had levels similar to farm handling.Beta-endorphin levels, which is another indicator of stress, were not significantly different between the two groups.
For commercial cattle slaughter with a captive bolt stunning the following average values have been recorded:
- (45 ng ml)-1 (Dunn,1990)
- (25-42 ng ml)-1 (Mitchell et al.,1988)
- (44.28 ng ml)-1 (Tume and Shaw,1992)
- (24 ng ml)-1 (Ewbank et al.,1992)