Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals (2nd Edition)
Edited by Dr. Temple Grandin
and Mark J. Deesing
Colorado State University, USA
ISBN-10: 0123945860
ISBN-13: 978-0123945860
496 pages
Links for ordering:
- Amazon.com
- Elsevier
Behavior is shaped by both genetics and experience-nature and nurture. This book synthesizes research from behavioral genetics and animal and veterinary science, bridging the gap between these fields. The objective is to show that principles of behavioral genetics have practical applications to agricultural and companion animals.
The continuing domestication of animals is a complex process whose myriad impacts on animal behavior are often underappreciated. Genetic factors play a significant role in both species-specific behaviors and behavioral differences exhibited by individuals in the same species. Leading authorities explore the impact of increased intensities of selection on domestic animal behavior. Rodents, cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, herding and guard dogs, and poultry are all included in these discussions of genetics and behavior, making this book useful to veterinarians, livestock producers, laboratory animal researchers and technicians, animal trainers and breeders, and any researcher interested in animal behavior.
Table of Contents and Abstracts for each Chapter
(All abstracts provided by ScienceDirect.com)
Chapter 1: Behavioral Genetics and Animal Sciences
by Temple Grandin and Mark J. Deesing
- Read the abstract for Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Behavioral Genetics and Animal Domestication
by Per Jensen and Dominic Wright
- Read the abstract for Chapter 2
Chapter 3: How Studying Interactions Between Animal Emotions, Cognition, and Personality Can Contribute to Improve Farm Animal Welfare
by Alain Boissy and Hans W. Erhard
- Read the abstract for Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Genetics and Behavior During Handling, Restraint, and Herding
by Temple Grandin and Mark J. Deesing
- Read the abstract for Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Reproductive and Maternal Behavior of Livestock
by Peter J. Chenowith, Antonio J. Landaeta-Hernandez, and Cornelai Floercke
- Read the abstract for Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Differences in the Behavior of Landraces and Breeds of Dogs
by Kathryn Lord, Lrna Coppinger, and Raymond Coppinger
- Read the abstract for Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Behavior Genetics of the Horse (Equus caballus)
by Temple Grandin and Mark J. Deesing
- Read the abstract for Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Improving the Adaptability of Animals by Selection
by Jean Michel Faure and Andrew D. Mills
- Read the abstract for Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Genetic Influences on the Behavior of Chickens Associated with Welfare and Productivity
by William M. Muir and Heng Wei Cheng
- Read the abstract for Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Genetics of Domesticated Behavior in Dogs and Foxes
by Anna V. Kukekova, Lyudmila N. Trut, and Gregory M. Acland
- Read the abstract for Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Behavioral Genetics in Pigs and Relations to Welfare
by Lotta Rydhmer and Laurianne Canario
- Read the abstract for Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Genetics and Animal Welfare
by Temple Grandin and Mark J. Deesing
- Read the abstract for Chapter 12
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