By Temple Grandin
Dept of Animal Science
Colorado State University
For the manager of an animal products supply there needs to be a clear definition of what is not sustainable. There are conditions that should be banned because they would never be acceptable (Broom, 2019). This is important because when a practice is definitely not sustainable, it would be grounds for either removing a supplier from the approved supplier list or working with that supplier to improve their practices. Clear guidance on what is not sustainable is also essential to help prevent lawsuits and legal actions when a supplier is removed (delisted).
When the slower growing birds are used, it may require 10 to 15% more feed to grow them to market weight [Epp, 2018). From a sustainability standpoint on grain feed usage, this is really bad. Maybe this will be partially offset by better health (Epp, 2018). A flock with high death losses results in huge amounts of wasted feed. Recently, the U.S. poultry industry has bred fast growing birds to have thicker, stronger legs that greatly reduce problems with lameness. The solution may be to increase feed consumption by 4 or 5% and carefully monitor birds for lameness, breast blisters, diseases, and death losses. In the U.S. cattle industry, beef production has increased 25% since 1970 and the number of cattle in the U.S. has been reduced 6% (USDA, 2019). More productive cattle also reduce the amount of grain needed to fatten them (Capper, 2013). In the U.S. dairy industry, twice as much milk is produced with 60% fewer cows (Mulhollem, 2015) and water usage by the U.S. dairy industry was reduced 69.5% since 2007 (Capper and Cady, 2020). Unfortunately, animal welfare issues have increased in some high producing dairy cows {Grandin and Whiting, 2018}.
Some other examples of conflicts between welfare and sustainability may be effects of feeding and housing on methane emission or manure. Research shows very clearly that pig welfare is improved by providing straw or other roughage for environmental enrichment (Mikwanazi et al., 2019). This may increase problems with increased nutrient secretion in the manure. On the other hand, in countries where straw is abundant, using straw for pigs may reduce detrimental burning of fields (Broom, 2019). Therefore, in one system, providing straw for pigs would improve sustainability and in another situation, reduce it. The use of electronic precision feeding may help reduce phosphorus in the manure (Pomar and Remus, 2019). In many parts of Europe and Asia, beef cattle are housed indoors on concrete. If these systems are managed poorly, there may be increased problems with lameness and swollen joints (Grandin, 2018). Environmentally controlled buildings may make it possible to control emissions.
The second method used for raising cattle and other livestock for food is used in many countries. The parent animals (bulls, rams, cows, ewes) are kept on pasture and the offspring are raised in feedlots on grain. The third type of system has livestock and crops integrated in a sustainable system of crop rotation and grazing. A fourth type is silvopasture where livestock graze among the trees in planted tree plantations.
The biggest problem is poor management. Overgrazing can ruin the land. Pasture conditions around the world are very diverse. Optimal good grazing programs must be designed for the local conditions (McSherry and Ritchi, 2013; Roche et al., 2015). The use of rotational grazing is strongly recommended. Many studies have shown that sufficient time for grazed plants to recover is critical (Teague et al., 2013). In areas with low rainfall, recovery times are longer. People who are managing grazing systems must understand the difference between stocking rate and stocking density (Goodwin, 2019). When high density rotational grazing is used, livestock are heavily concentrated (Figure 4) in one part of the pasture for a short period of time and then moved. This mimics the grazing pattern of wild herbivores such as bison and wildebeests. They heavily graze a portion of pasture and then move away. Other ways to improve the benefits of grazing is to use sheep and goats to control brush to prevent wildfires (Huntsberger, 2019). In some systems, multispecies grazing is beneficial because cattle and goats eat different plants (Cook, 2017). David Montgomery (2012) in his book Dirt: The Erosion of Civilization warns that depletion of soil fertility and damage to the land was a major cause of the demise of ancient civilizations in Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Aztecs.
Unfortunately, there are big economic incentives for monoculture crops. In the shortÂrun they work well, but for long-term, they are not sustainable. A farm policy that pays farmers subsidies to raise corn provide a disincentive to either rotate crops or integrate livestock and crops. In Europe, farm subsidies paid to both crop and livestock farmers have caused the land to become overloaded with manure and fertilizer. Runoff has created algae dead zones in the Baltic Sea (Apuzza et al., 2019).
In North Dakota in the U.S. there is increasing interest in cover crops to improve soil health. Farmers have become more interested in cover crops because the weeds have become resistant to herbicides (Powles, 2008). Cover crops as part of a rotation system with soybeans can reduce weed growth by 40% to 50% (Bormgardner, 2019). To make cover crops profitable, they must be grazed. Local conditions on farms vary greatly and local specialists should be consulted on recommendations for seed mixes for planting. Carvalho et al. (2018) states that cover crops must not be overgrazed. Light to moderate grazing improves overall soil health. Some cover crops have made cattle sick, according to Pat Melgares at Kansas state University (2019) and North Dakota State University Extension, 2019. To avoid this problem, it is essential to consult with local experienced grazers or local research scientists.
The author was shocked to read that many items thrown in mixed recyclable bins were exported to China, India, Vietnam, and other developing countries (Chaudhuri, 2019; Walt and Meyer, 2020). The trash was shipped as backhauls in empty shipping containers. Many countries no longer want the trash and a more sustainable solution must be found. Cheap oil can be made into cheap plastic, and recycled plastic then becomes more expensive than new plastic (Walt and Meyer, 2020). This will reduce the economic incentive to recycle.
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Figure 13.2. Silvopasture which is a method for grazing livestock among trees is a sustainable practice when it is done correctly. Conditions can be highly variable and consultation with skilled local people is essential. Photo courtesy Temple Grandin.
Figure 13.3. On Joel Salatin's Polyface Farm - pens with broiler chickens are continually moved to fresh pasture. This method will only work on small-scale operations. In many cases, there are ideas and principles that can be learned in small operations that can be modified and used in larger operations. Photo courtesy Temple Grandin.
Figure 13.4. Irish beef cattle graze on lush green pasture and they are frequently moved. They can be trained so that a single electric string confines them. There is a huge demand for grassfed beef and extremely good management is required to prevent unsustainable practices such as overgrazing. Severe welfare problems can occur if the producer overly restricts a beef cow's access to grass to increase pasture carrying capacity. This can result in severe welfare issues for the cow.
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