Bruises on southwestern feedlot cattle

Journal of Animal Science, volume 53 Supplement 1 (1981) page 213

T. Grandin

1523 head of 454kg. fed feedlot cattle were surveyed for discountable bruises in a large southwestern slaughter plant.

Overall the cattle had 10.5% discountable bruises,
and 5% of them had discountable loin bruises.

Cattle sold by live weights had 14% discountable bruises and cattle sold on a carcass basis had 8% discountable bruises.

The producer gets the bruises deducted from his payment when the cattle are sold on a carcass basis.

13 truckloads of cattle were hauled from one feedlot in a 14.6m Wilson double deck fat cattle trailer which unloaded through a rear door.

Level of significance = < .01

Rough handling at the feedlot of origin was a major cause of bruises. A feedlot where rough handling occurred during weighing and loading was compared to a feedlot which had careful, quiet handling. The rough feedlot had 15.5% discountable bruises and the careful, quiet feedlot had 8.35% discountable bruises.

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